Sarah’s Story
Assistant Vice President, Financial Services | CFP, AEPP, IFP, STEP, ARIA | Bachelor of Arts (Economics & Statistics) | MDRT 2017-2018
After 8 years of working in multinationals, Shiyun embarked on the financial advisory role, helping families of diverse backgrounds including those with special needs children on financial planning, wills and trusts. She also advises corporates on practical risk management & HR benefit solutions. With a passion to educate, she conducts workshops and seminars to corporates, NGOs and the public, pertaining to the areas of wealth creation, protection, preservation and distribution. She is an advocate of giving back to society with a focus on helping women and children.
With a team of financial advisors under her, she has the vision to mentor them to attain business success and financial freedom so as to be an asset to their families and society.
Sarah’s Team
Verona Chew
Financial Services Consultant | AFP | Bachelor of Engineering
Lilian Fong
Financial Services Consultant | AFP | Bachelor of Real Estate Management
John Lee
Financial Services Consultant | CFP, ASEP | Bachelor of Materials Science Engineering