Janelle’s Story

CFP, ChFC, AEPP | Master of Science (Psychology of Work)

Janelle Tan is a HR Practitioner turned Certified Financial Planner®, Chartered Financial Consultant® and Associate Estate Planning Practitioner®.

Having seen how one's ability to earn can have little bearing on one's financial literacy, her consulting practice is focused on helping individuals be financially future-ready, and establishing values-driven employee benefits for

small and medium enterprises.

She and her team of consultants work best with busy professionals and C-suite leaders who want to enjoy financial peace of mind with strategic and systematic planning and execution.

Janelle’s Team

GJ Gonzales

Associate Director of Sales | AFP

Serene Tham

Associate Director of Sales | Financial Services Consultant

Leong Wee Pheng

Associate Director of Sales | AFP | Bachelor of Fine Arts

Donna Seow

Financial Services Consultant | Bachelor of Business Administration

Low Kuan Yin

Financial Services Consultant | Bachelor of Commerce